Thursday, September 8, 2011

Side effects of growth hormone

HGH is the abbreviation for human growth Hormones, or the General term of somatropin hormones. This hormone has been used in a number of medical treatments such as the treatment of AIDS. However, this drug has been abused by athletes and those who believe that this drug may help delay the effects of old age. Athletes take to best their performance and the other to avoid old physically. It should be noted that there are very many implications of this hormone, implications both for the application of this hormone positive and negative.

Positive side effects
Good side effects of this synthetic form of the hormone increase the effectiveness of cardiac function, decrease in fat mass, increasing bone density and muscle mass increase. It was also noted by a number of people that this drug has been regarded as a stabilizer mood. This hormone is excellent for patients who have had their muscles wasted because some of the conditions in which they are suffering from such as Turner syndrome, renal failure or HIV.

Negative side effects
Most of the side effects of this hormone are with those who are perfectly healthy and insist on the use of the drug. Some of the side effects include abnormal growth of internal organs and bones, diabetes, bad headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, joints were inflated and that are painful due to fluid retention, pain in the chest, arterial hardening and stiffening, high blood pressure and enlargement of the heart. Some of the less serious symptoms include flu-like symptoms, stools and nausea.

Many counterfeit products of HGH is currently available in natural food stores, in the street but also online. In many countries, the application of this drug is limited and controlled, but high demand for the product, most companies strive to provide a death offshore to. You should not that counterfeit goods more than not be help some for you, they also pose a risk to health for you. These counterfeits are just a waste of time and can be very dangerous to the body. It should be noted that there is just no evidence that it is certain that HGH facilitates the slowing of the aging process.

Allergic reactions
There are additional side effects that occur to those who are allergic to this medicine. These specific side effects occur instantly and they are very dangerous individual. They include the tightening of throat, breathing problems, itching, hives and rashes. Make sure you only to visit the hospital earlier when this occurs.

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