Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Answers for Hair Shedding, Hair Breakage, and Hair Thinning

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Real hair loss requires real answers. Hair balding and thinning can occur spontaneously. Changes in your diet can advance hair loss. Nutrient deficiencies can also trigger hair shedding. Even things as simple as lacking sleep can throw off your body. Lack of sleep and stress can lead to hormonal imbalances and exacerbate balding plus alopecia.

The signs of hair loss often can be concealed and without careful observation can go unnoticed. If you have recently discovered that you have a predisposition toward balding or if you have noticed increased shedding, breakage and thinning, you can fight back against hair fallout before it grows into a larger problem. In this article, you will find techniques and treatments that can be used to combat hair loss. Moreover, these tips can all be done from home. They do not require surgery or expensive treatments.
Easy Tip to Help Hair Re-growth: Maintaining Volume
Volume can easily be lost by using styling products that create limpness. Heavy mousses, foams and hairspray can do a number on your hair. Volume can also be reduced by allowing the hair to be weighed down with debris and environmental toxins. Acid rain, smog and free radicals, can make the hair look worse than it actually is. Utilizing quality hair shampoos as well as lightweight, voluminizing hairsprays is critical. While this does not help hair re-growth, these things are concealing and coping mechanisms.

If you have extremely fine hair, you should consider utilizing dry or natural hair growth shampoos. Dry shampoos and natural hair growth shampoos are particularly effective because they generally are all natural. Choose shampoos that contain ingredients like rosemary and sage. These have a stimulating effect and remove oils. Great choices for dry shampoos are Oscar Blandi and Fekkai. Great therapeutic natural shampoos are ADP Super Gro Shampoo or Nitrophed FSF Shampoo. Nitrophed is particularly effective because they have hair vitamins effective for stimulating hair growth in over 25% to 35% of men and 30% to 55% of women.

Easy tip to help hair thinning and to reduce follicle miniaturization: Feed the Inside of Your Body. More likely than not, your hair loss is occurring for more than one reason. Stress, medication, lack of sleep, genetics, poor eating and lifestyle choices can each contribute to hair thinning, hair shedding and hair loss. Harsh styling can even contribute to balding.

You need to ensure your hair growth from the inside out. This is critical. Science may suggest that this is not important. But, active hair transplant doctors understand hair loss more than research scientist. And since hormones play a major role in female baldness and male pattern balding, supplementing definitely helps.

Supplement with whole food amino acids, essential fatty acids, B vitamins and detoxifying herbs. You would be amazed how great your hair can look after supplementing continually with flax seed and cod liver oil. You can also eat more food such as cod and salmon for fish oil. Fish oil contains omega 3. Stimulate your new hair sprouting and fight hair loss with the foods that you eat. As a person who was on the verge of balding and who suffered with alopecia, supplementing with Jarrow Vegan Protein and Nitrophed hair supplement made my hair grow in fuller and thicker within 7 months. I saw a substantial increase in hair coverage across my entire scalp and was able to overcome vertex thinning.

The effects of meat eating and exercise on balding.
A shocking truth for me was that my diet contributed to my hair loss. No, it did not cause my hair loss, but when I began to eat only grass fed beef and lean, all natural poultry, my hair loss receded. My nutritionist indicated that because many animals are fed hormones to stimulate faster growth and weight, this could be affecting my body. Eating better will only cost you a few cents more. I stop purchasing my food based on mail coupons and started eating real foods. I am a big meat eater and the more quality meat that I ate the more protein by body was able to digest. Protein contains amino acids and it not only help me reach my fitness goals but also help restore my hair. Leave the cheap meat and package foods alone. Frozen foods, prepackaged foods, fast foods, and junk foods can disrupt your body's natural hormonal balance. Once you endocrine system is out of whack, then hair shedding and areas of your hair that are thinning will begin to widen. You will even notice your hair becoming wirier and your hair will always shrink throughout the day.

What is the answer to hair loss? Exercise. Exercise helps release hormones. It circulates nutrients through the bloodstream and also increase oxygen intake. Keeping your body in motion helps more than your body; it will also help your hair. If you cannot exercise then eat more garlic, ginger, and peppers to increase your circulation of blood to your scalp.

These three tips might just save your hair. Often, we accept that our hair will last forever. When our hair starts to thin we can become depressed. I know that because I did. Do not give depression any place in your life. It will ruin you financially and physically. If you follow these tips you will most likely see a difference in months. You can halt your hair loss and improve your hair growth rate.

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