Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stress and Hair Loss Factors

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There are many things that contribute to hair loss. Styling techniques, medications and simple life stresses can have terrible effects on your tresses. But, often lifestyle choices are overlooked when it comes to hair loss. Before running to the doctor, you should analyze what you do from day to day. Often, this can provide clues to the source of your hair loss. How often do you exercise? Do you stress a lot? Do you drink and are you dieting? If yes, you may play a greater role in your hair loss than you know.
If you consume alcohol whether it is beer, wine, or hard liquor on a daily basis, it could lead to a nutritional deficiencies that result in hair loss and balding.

Alcohol can increase female pattern balding by increasing levels of estrogen. Estrogen imbalances have hazardous effects on the body and the hair. Alcohol can also result in advanced thinning in men because it reduces zinc levels. Zinc helps in the production of over 80 enzymes that the human body needs to function properly. If you are a drinker and are experiencing hair loss, try reducing your consumption of alcohol to once per week for at least three months. Also, increase your intake of foods with Vitamin B and Vitamin C because alcohol depletes the level of these vitamins. Start eating a flank steak once per week. Bake salmon at least twice per week and try adding hormone free chicken to your salads. Other meats that are zinc rich include crab, oysters, clams, lamb, and pork.

Fad diets and crash weight loss can lead to balding as well. If you deprive yourself of food, then you deprive yourself nutrients. The lack of nutrients will result in balding. There is nothing wrong with eating healthy and losing weight gradually and safely. However, if you start a crash diet you hair, skin, and nails will suffer. When dieting make sure that you take a supplement to compensate for the nutrients loss. Nitrophed hair vitamins are a great source. Nitrophed is unique that it supplies your body with vegetables, herbs and proteins that combat hair shedding and hair loss.

Remember, crash diets can cause sickness, hair shedding, and bald patches in women. If you want to lose weight and grow longer hair, make sure you supplement. Supplement with quality herbal formulas like Nitrophed and add Marine or Krill Oils along with Vega protein formulas. Try eating salads that contain almonds, cranberries, and olives. Use cold pressed flaxseed oil with apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing. Losing weight is fun, but going bald can cause depression. So lose the crash dieting and don't increase your chances of balding.

Monitor your lifestyle choices. Monitor how much your drink and monitor what you eat. Exercise patience with weight loss and keep stress at a minimum. Be sure to give your body continual nutrients. Eating and supplementing are great ways to do this. Hair loss is a serious problem, but you can fight back against it.

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